“Checks over stripes! That’s what I like!” This is one of Drake’s coldest lines expressing his love for Nike shoes over Adidas shoes. Like Drake many of us have our own brand preference and also like Drake we’re not afraid to let people know which brand of shoes we like the most. Last year Nike, Adidas, New Balance and Under Armour seemed to be the top four brands for the female population.

As a trainer, I always advise my clients to purchase proper training shoes to avoid causing any stress fractures. Stress fractures are tiny cracks that are caused from repetitive force and overuse. Imagine wearing your Nike Air Zoom Pegasus running shoes while performing barbell squats. I witness this a lot from everyone but most often women. Running shoes are for running not for weight training. This is due to the way the sole of the shoe is designed.

Running shoes have a built-in forward lean in the shoe to help protect your heels while running. However, that same forward lean puts more tension on your knees while performing strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts. These exercises are critical for strengthening every lady’s favorite area to work… the BOOTY! Running shoes are for running. If you’re not running don’t wear them to strength train on lower body days. This will help protect your knee joints. So, what shoe should you wear during that lower body strength day? Good ole Chuck Taylor. These are the perfect shoes for that lower body workout. The soles are flat which is optimal for those booty exercises I mentioned earlier and safe for your knees. I can’t forget to mention that your wallet will thank you as well. Chuck Taylor’s can cost as low as $29.99 and they have a variety of colors to choose from. Chuck Taylor is the G.O.A.T of shoes. Get yourself a pair to swap out on “booty” day. Your knees will thank you!
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